Johanna von Holst
EXHIBITION I MY BODY IS A TEMPLE I 01.11.2024 – 06.12.2024

EXHIBITION I MY BODY IS A TEMPLE I 01.11.2024 – 06.12.2024
Growing up between Mallorca and Berlin, Johanna von Holst draws inspiration from the vibrant mix of her surroundings. Her ongoing series, “Mama Palma,” serves as both a tribute to the island that represents her second home and a love letter to the palm tree, which embodies the insatiable wanderlust of Generation Z. Each image acts as a gateway to a sun-soaked paradise - someplace far away yet still so familiar - inviting viewers to experience a sense of calm and escape. Her unique style blends surrealism with a gentle touch, evoking the nostalgic vibes of 1980s California. Through projects like “Mama Palma,” Johanna von Holst highlights the palm as a symbol of adventure and yearning while exploring the deep connection between nature and human emotions. With her artistic vision, she transforms the ordinary into captivating visual stories, making her work irresistibly engaging.