Curtain Twitching

Studio Hanniball Event Exhibition Curtain Twitching Studio Hanniball Event Exhibition Curtain Twitching

A brief moment, a flash of a second. A curtain twitches aside, allowing vague assumptions about a scene that unfolds in the distance. The state of suspension references the condition of shifting between covering and revealing, reality and imagination.

Scenes can be guessed, the context remains uncertain. What is left is our suppositions. "Curtain Twitching" is a metaphor for curious wandering, while looking at hidden aspects in our daily surroundings.

The rooms of Studio Hanniball become a stage for different perspectives to play with subjectivity, fantasy and illusion.


Julius Bobke, Nadie Borggreve, Paula Breuer, Andrea Croce, Isobel Whalley Payne, Alice Peach

Vernissage 10. Jun

Finissage 16. Jul