So how do I hear you when I actually don’t? When I stroll around with my ears wide shut?
In a playful manner the two Performers Francesca Valeria Karmrodt and Luca Bonamore explore the social codes and framings of art exhibition spaces. Can we diffuse certain bordersof these publics with the Theatrical and the Everyday? From frenzied beginnings to spinningbodies and soft canzones - different voices, objects and realities infuse and reassemble thespace again and again. If I open this room will you be my guest?
“I hear you. But don’t” is a transdisciplinary performance on the border of body-sound-media. During the three week research and rehearsal the artists worked with Berlin teenagers.
Within a 2-day Workshop on their perspective of the Everyday, creating art in different mediaand visiting exhibitions.
Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, funded by theFederal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of the initiativeNEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.
The performance is free of admission.
Doors Open 10. Dez 8:00 PM
Start of Performance 10. Dez 8:30 PM
Start of DJ-Set 10. Dez 10:30 PM