Exhibited Artist

Nils Ben Brahim

Exhibition | ALL THE WORLD´S A STAGE | 17.09.22-11.11.22

Studio Hanniball Artist Nils Ben Brahim

Exhibition | ALL THE WORLD´S A STAGE | 17.09.22-11.11.22

In his recent work, Nils Ben Brahim explores the representation of human-to-human interaction. Who makes us hurt each other, body to body, mind to mind, and what unites us back again? What helps us understand ourselves more, body to body, mind to mind? Violence and its deep psychological phenomena, roots and above all origins have recently interested him so much that he has to let them speak over his canva- ses. In doing so, he makes use of the world of wrestling and its unique language, which, in his opinion, has been completely overlooked, even trivialized, in the art world. Ben Brahim believes the wrestling pattern can be used as a transfer- able template for the „real“ world.

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